Important Reminders……

Submission for Judges Review Milestone in StemWizard is Due February 27.  There are two parts:  Project Paper and The Judges Brief.  Please see pages 16-19 in the Reference Guide for specific details.  

T-shirt Orders:  CASEF is offering a new t-shirt design by pre-order only.  Orders must be in no later than  midnight SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2025. Order Here: The cost is $15 (extended sizes are additional).  Ordered t-shirts will be available for pick up at Project Set-up on Monday.  NOTE:  T-shirts will NOT be available for purchase on-site or for order after the deadline.

Fair Week at Messiah University Monday, March 10 -  Thursday, March 13

Project Set-up is on Monday between 4 - 7 PM (arrive by 6:45) 

Check in for Project Set-up in the Jordan Science Center.  Enter through the doors by the parking lot for the Oakes Museum.  You must have the Exhibit Identification Form, Final Abstract Form, Participation Agreement Form printed and filled out properly.  These Required Check in Forms are linked on the side button and can also be found on pages 41-43 in the Reference Guide.   Bring your Project Display Board, Project Paper, Project Journal to set up.  Please review the Certification Checklist to make sure your display meets the guidelines for what is allowed. Information is also provided on pages 27-28 in the Reference Guide.

Interviews will occur on Tuesday between 9:30 - 11:30 AM.

Oakes Museum will be open for CASEF participants with sponsors on Tuesday from 10:30 AM - 2 PM

Award Ceremony will be held in Parmer Hall on Thursday at 6:30

All Project Displays must be picked up after the ceremony by 9:30 PM.   Any projects remaining after Thursday evening will be recycled.

Young Scholars

Project Set-up in is on Monday between 4 - 7 PM (arrive by 6:45) . Interviews will take place on Monday after the project is set- up.  See information about the interview on p. 35 of the Reference Guide or on the website here, scroll to bottom. Projects should remain on display until after the Awards Ceremony on Thursday.  Any project remaining after Thursday will be recycled. 

For Students

For Sponsors

For Judges

Welcome to the 2025 fair season!

Explore, Innovate, Inspire: The Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair

Providing Stem research competitions

The Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair was formed in partnership with local Higher Education Institutions and businesses and has grown to provide the International Science and Engineering Fair affiliated opportunity to public and private school students in grades 7-12 in 41 counties.  A Young Scholars program was added in 2023 for grades 5 and 6 students.  These students are invited to participate in the fair and be judged for placement awards.

We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3)EIN 23-2058836 membership organization, as well as, a a PA EITC Innovative Educational Program , PA BCO #35377. Following the Society for Science and the Public (ISEF) that states its goal as focused on promoting the understanding and appreciation of science and the critical role it plays in our society: to inform, educate, and inspire.

Beyond CASEF Competition

Our Senior Grand Champion Winners who were interviewed on Good Day PA will attended the International Science Engineering Fair May 12-17, 2024 in Los Angeles. Ian Lentz earned two special awards; a full scholarship to attend Long Island University and a trip to West Lake in Hangzhou China for a STEM conference.

Grand Champion: Ian Lentz- Camp Hill HS (left) A Green Solution to Greywater

Grand Champion: Shaunak Dalal-Hershey HS (middle) GB- NeuroAnalysis Ai

Grand Champion(ALT): Isaiah Houssou- Camp Hill HS (right)

Attention Sponsors: Thank you for joining us for our kick-off meeting on Oct. 7, 2024. Please download the PowerPoint to review everything discussed.

Follow us on social media!

CASEF Office is located at 103 Newport Road,
Duncannon, PA  17020 Powered by:

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